40th CPA Australia and Pacific Regional Conference

Representation for the Future: Young people and parliaments

Parliament House, Brisbane, Queensland — 1 to 3 November 2023

For further information on the 40th CPA Australia and Pacific Regional Conference, please visit the conference website


Information Circular No 1

Draft Program

Following the invitation extended to Branches in the Australia and Pacific Regions, the Queensland Branch is pleased to provide the following information to assist you in preparing for the 2023 CPA Joint Australia and Pacific Regional Conference.

Each Australia Region and Pacific Region branch is entitled to send two members to participate in the conference as delegates, together with a secretary. Other members of parliament are welcome to also participate in the conference at a cost of AU$550 per person.

The 40th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Australia and Pacific Regions Conference will be held at Parliament House, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia from 1 – 3 November 2023.

Official hosting arrangements commence at 5pm on Tuesday, 31 October 2023 with delegates invited to register before attending a Welcome Reception at 5.30pm.

  • The formal conference sessions will officially open at 9.30 am on Wednesday, 1 November 2023.
  • The conference dinner will be held at Parliament House on the evening of Wednesday, 1 November 2023.
  • A study tour based upon the conference’s theme is on Friday, 3 November 2023.
  • The conference will conclude at approximately 3.00 pm on Friday, 3 November 2023.
  • All conference sessions, apart from the study tour, will be held at Parliament House, Brisbane.


A first draft of the conference program can be found here.

The program has been provided to give potential delegates an idea of the conference format. The conference program includes a series of sessions during which speakers from amongst the delegates participating will present papers on a topic under the conference theme of Representation for the Future: Young people and parliaments.

A guest speaker and guest panellists will also be included.

Delegates are invited to present a paper at the conference from the list of topics provided, or to suggest their own topic for a paper under the conference theme.

A final program will be provided following the close of registrations and once we receive nominations for papers from delegates.

As part of the registration process, delegates are asked to indicate their choice of topic on which they would be prepared to present a paper.

Delegates, observers and accompanying persons are requested to via our event page on Eventbrite by Friday, 8 September 2023.

Security Passes will be required to be displayed at all times by all delegates during the Conference. Conference staff will be present in Parliament House on Tuesday, 31 October from 4.30pm and on Wednesday, 1 November at 9.00am for the collection of security passes and conference papers.

Upon arrival, delegates and observers will need to proceed through the main entrance of the Parliamentary Annexe on Alice Street.

All delegates and observers will need to have collected their security passes no later than 9.20am on Wednesday, 1 November, prior to the formal opening of the Conference at 9.30am.


Register, provide biographical details, a head shot, and nominate to present papers Friday, 8 September 2023
Delegates to provide presentation / session papers to Conference Coordinator Friday, 13 October 2023

All Australian and New Zealand delegates and observers are responsible for their own transfers from the airport to the accommodation (please refer to accommodation options below) and from the accommodation to the airport.

We have identified hotels / apartments that would suit a range of needs. Delegates are asked to book their preferred accommodation directly with their hotel of choice. These are all within a short walking distance of Parliament House.

Name of property: Oaks on Charlotte Suites
Room Type: 1 and 2 Bedroom suites available
Address: 128 Charlotte St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
750m walk

Name of property: Oaks on Margaret Suites
Room Type: 1 and 2 Bedroom suites available
Address: 212 Margaret St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
500m walk

Name of property: The Westin Hotel
Room Type: Hotel and 1 bedroom suites available
Address: 111 Mary St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
600m walk

Name of property: Treasury Hotel Brisbane
Address: 130 William St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
Room Type: Hotel rooms and suites available
400m walk

Name of property: Royal on the park
Address: 130 William St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
Room Type: Hotel rooms and 1 bedroom suites available
350m walk

In accordance with normal practice, delegates are personally responsible for meeting their own accommodation costs: this includes accommodation, telephone, WiFi, Internet, laundry and dry cleaning, mini-bar, room service, other incidental and personal expenses and meals not provided as part of the official conference program.

It is assumed that delegates will attend all conference functions unless you otherwise advise. Please advise conference staff if you are unable to attend any function either in person, or by emailing: APRConference@parliament.qld.gov.au

In accordance with established practice for annual regional conferences, there is no provision for a partner’s program for the conference. However, partners are invited to the ‘Welcome Reception’ on Tuesday evening and the conference dinner on Wednesday night. A one-off cost of AU$220.00 will apply. Please add this option and provide the partner / guest name when registering via Eventbrite.

A conference fee of AU$550.00 is payable for official observers.
Official observers are responsible for booking their own accommodation and are required to cover the cost of their accommodation, airport transfers and meals outside the official conference functions.

Transport will be provided for the study tour. Delegates will be expected to make their own way between their accommodation and Parliament House. Please advise the Conference Coordinator of any mobility or assistance needs.



Delegates are responsible for their own personal accident, baggage and currency loss insurance. The host parliament regrets that it cannot be responsible for any loss of baggage, currency or personal effects.

The weather in Brisbane in October / November is warm and mild. The temperature can range between 27°C during the day and 18°C at night.

Delegates should consult the program to ascertain attire for the conference sessions or official functions. Business attire / national dress will be required for the formal events such as the Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner.
The parliamentary buildings are air-conditioned and delegates may wish to bring a jacket or cardigan for the sessions held at the Parliament and for the conference dinner.

Police, Ambulance, Fire – Call triple zero (000).

We hope you have a great Conference and enjoy your time in Brisbane. If you require any further assistance, please contact:

Tamara Vitale
Conference Coordinator
Queensland Parliamentary Service
Parliament House
Cnr George and Alice Streets
Brisbane Qld 4000
Ph: +61 7 3553 6612
Email to: APRConference@parliament.qld.gov.au

For further information on the 40th CPA Australia and Pacific Regional Conference, please visit the conference website


31 Oct 2023 - 03 Nov 2023

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 30 Oct 2023 - 03 Nov 2023

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