Representation and Diversity in Democracy

Date: 7 December 2021

Time: 16:00 UTC

In the lead-up to International Human Rights Day, the CPA will bring together leading experts from around the globe to look at representation and diversity in democracy. Through the lens of gender, disabilities, LGBT+ and indigenous peoples, the webinar will examine how Parliaments should engage, represent and reflect the full spectrum of diversities within their countries and communities. Panellists will address questions including:

  • What initiatives should be established to increase representation of, or attract candidates from, under-represented or marginalised communities?
  • How can current Parliamentarians secure better access and opportunities?
  • Who should Parliamentarians be engaging with and how?
  • Are quotas the solution?
  • How do Commonwealth democracies move beyond symbolism and tokenism to embed change and sustainability to ensure Parliaments and all democratic institutions give the people power?
  • How has diversity and inclusion been hindered by COVID-19?
  • How do they interconnect with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?


Contact: Matthew Salik, Head of Programmes,


Click to register ->


07 Dec 2021


4:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: 07 Dec 2021
  • Time: 11:00 am



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