Addressing Gender Inequity within Parliaments: Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Roundtables: Gender Sensitive Parliaments in the 21st century
The Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) network is delivering a series of virtual Regional roundtable discussions for both female and male Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff across the Commonwealth that will explore the relevant steps Parliaments can take to ensure that they strive to become gender sensitive institutions.
Uniquely designed and tailored to the individual needs of all nine regions of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, the roundtables will seek to facilitate a united Commonwealth approach to increase the number of gender sensitive Parliaments across the Commonwealth. These CWP Roundtables will provide attendees with an intimate platform to share their experiences and adoption of gender sensitive actions in their respective Parliaments. Attendees are highly advised to come prepared to actively participate, ask questions, and provide their institutional perspective on the importance of gender sensitive parliaments.
Sarah Childs, Professor of Gender and Politics at Royal Holloway University of London, who produced the ‘Gender Sensitising Parliaments Guidelines’ on behalf of the CWP states that “this provides the opportunity for elected Members and parliamentary officials to hear from the author of the 2020 Guidelines, in discussing regional-specific concerns, and exploring how the CWP and CPA can support individual Parliaments in very practical ways to realise greater gender sensitivity in the years ahead, including of course, taking into account the additional significance of gender sensitive Parliaments in these COVID-19 times.”
- CWP SOUTH-EAST ASIA REGION: CWP Roundtable: Gender Sensitive Parliaments in the 21st century (South-East Asia Region), virtual/online, 29 April 2021.
- Please click here for workshop programme
- CWP PACIFIC REGION – click here
- CWP AFRICA REGION – click here
- CWP ASIA REGION – click here
The CWP roundtables form part of a series of virtual Regional discussions that will be delivered for all nine Regions of the CPA. The roundtables will seek to facilitate a united Commonwealth approach to increasing the number of gender sensitive Parliaments across the Commonwealth. The project builds upon the recent CWP Gender Sensitising Parliaments Guidelines: Standards and a Checklist for Parliamentary Change that was successfully launched in October 2020. These guidelines provide an outline of gender sensitising standards which Commonwealth Parliaments can use as a benchmark to achieve.
For more information about how your Region can participate in a CWP Roundtable: Gender Sensitive Parliaments in the 21st century virtual roundtable discussion and for future dates, please contact CWP Network Coordinator, Ms Bénite Dibateza at
Click here to view and download a copy of the CWP Gender Sensitising Parliaments Guidelines: Standards and a Checklist for Parliamentary Change or please visit
Please click here for more information about the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) network.