CPA Executive Committee Meeting
Event Details
Date: 27 – 30 September 2021
Location: Online
Theme: Parliament, People and Pandemics
The CPA Executive Committee consists of 36 Members of Parliament, led by the Acting Chairperson of the CPA. The Executive Committee comprises:
- The Officers of the Association
- Regional Representatives from each of the nine CPA Regions.
Click here to find the full list of CPA Executive Committee Members.
Alongside the main meeting, the CPA Executive Committee is supported by four Subcommittees:
- Coordinating Committee
- Audit Subcommittee
- Planning & Review Subcommittee
- Finance Subcommittee
Information for Members
This is a closed meeting for CPA Executive Committee Members only. The CPA HQ Secretariat will contact Executive Committee Members with further details in advance of the meeting. If you are a Committee Member and have a question about the meeting arrangements, please email hq.sec@cpahq.org.