Commonwealth Parliamentarians from the National Parliament of the Solomon Islands and the Bougainville House of Representatives visited their counterparts at the Parliament of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in October 2023 as part of an ongoing twinning programme between the Legislatures.
The President of the Legislative Council of New South Wales, Hon. Ben Franklin, MLC, who is also the CPA President, and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, Hon. Greg Piper, MP hosted the delegations from the Solomon Islands and Bougainville as they met with Members of the both the Assembly and Council, observed proceedings in the Chamber, attended events at Parliament House and visited the local electorate offices of David Mehan, MP, the Member for the Entrance and Mark Taylor, MP, the Member for Winston Hills. The delegations were led by the Deputy Speaker of Bougainville, Hon. Therese Kaetavara and the Deputy Speaker of the Solomon Islands, Hon. Commins Aston Mewa.
The twinning program, which takes place under the auspices of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association in the CPA Pacific and CPA Australia Regions, is designed to promote collaboration and understanding between Parliaments to ensure they fulfil their legislative, representative and oversight roles.