
Fiji Delegation visit Australia and New South Wales Parliaments

The Speaker of the Parliament of Fiji, Hon. Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu led a delegation visit to the Parliaments of Australia and New South Wales in February 2024. The delegation were welcomed by the President of the Australian Senate, Senator Hon. Sue Lines and the Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives, Hon. Milton Dick, MP

Out of Order: Managing Unparliamentary Language in the Australian House of Representatives

In the Australian House of Representatives (the House), the use of unparliamentary language is governed by Standing Orders relating to Disorder. The Standing Orders outline the following instances of Disorder:

Parliament of Kiribati undertakes CPA Democratic Benchmarks assessment to focus on parliamentary strengthening

A delegation from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters met with the Parliament of Kiribati (Maneaba ni Maungatabu) this week as part of a CPA Benchmarks self-assessment.

Western Australia gifts symbolic tables to Cook Islands Parliament

Two ‘Table of the House’ tables have been gifted to the Cook Islands Parliament by the Parliament of Western Australia.

Defining Parliamentary Intention and Purpose: An Australian Perspective

A former Chief Justice of Australia writes about the separation of powers.

New South Wales Parliament Reaches Historic Milestone with First All-Female Parliamentary Committee

The Committee on Children and Young People at the Parliament of New South Wales has marked a historic milestone as the first-ever all-female Parliamentary Committee. The appointment of an all-female membership to an important oversight Committee is an example of pioneering women lawmakers progressing women's roles in the state Parliament.

Speakers meet in Uganda for the 27th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth

Speakers and Presiding Officers from across the Commonwealth have met in Kampala, Uganda for the 27th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) which took place from 3 to 6 January 2024.

The CPA in 2024: A New Year’s message from the CPA Secretary-General

Happy New Year from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Secretariat. 2023 was a very busy year for the CPA, culminating in December with our online conference on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. And I am delighted that this month, January 2024, we're launching our new Parliamentary Handbook on Artificial Intelligence, as part of our work on technology and innovation. This will be a busy and important year for the Commonwealth and indeed for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

What Were They Thinking? Defining Parliamentary Intention and Purpose: An Australian Perspective

I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Commonwealth (Latimer House) Principles on the Three Branches of Government in this issue of The Parliamentarian. I do so from an Australian perspective on the separate but interacting functions of the Parliament and the Judiciary in making laws and interpreting them.

Cook Islands Speaker Visits Western Australia Parliament as Part of CPA Twinning Programme

The Speaker of the Cook Islands Parliament, Hon. Tutai Tura visited the Parliament of Western Australia in September 2023. The Cook Islands Speaker was welcomed by the President of the Western Australia Legislative Council, Hon. Alanna Clohesy, MLC and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Hon. Michelle Roberts, MLA then met with Parliamentary Clerks and staff, toured Parliament House and observed question time in both Chambers.

MPs from Solomon Islands and Bougainville visit New South Wales Parliament

Commonwealth Parliamentarians from the National Parliament of the Solomon Islands and the Bougainville House of Representatives visited their counterparts at the Parliament of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in October 2023 as part of an ongoing twinning programme between the Legislatures.

Focus on representation for the future and youth engagement at 40th CPA Australia and Pacific Regional Conference in Queensland

Commonwealth Parliamentarians from across two CPA Regions have come together to discuss the importance of youth engagement in Parliaments at the 40th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Australia and Pacific Regional Conference in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia from 1 to 3 November 2023.