
CPA Gives Evidence to Australian Codes of Conduct Committee

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has provided oral and written evidence to the Parliament of Australia’s Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary Standards. The Committee is conducting an inquiry into the development of codes of conduct for the Parliament of Australia. At a public hearing on 29 September 2022, the CPA’s Head of Programmes, Matthew Salik, gave evidence to the Committee and answered questions on the CPA’s experience in the field of parliamentary codes of conduct, ethics and standards. He noted the CPA’s previous work in developing benchmarks for codes of conduct and supporting Parliaments in this field, providing evidence on the importance of comprehensive ethics training for Members and staff and the need to be forward-thinking, not reactive, when developing codes of conduct

Patron of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

It is with deep sadness that the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has learnt of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the CPA Patron and Head of the Commonwealth.

Reflections on the 10th Anniversary of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

On 19 August 2022, to mark the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, a panel discussion at Parliament House was held as part of the Senate public lecture series.

Federal Parliament elects new President and Speaker

As one of their first orders of business, the recently formed 47th Parliament elected a new Senate President and House Speaker during the first sitting day earlier this year.

Pacific partnership moves to next stage

A visit to Fiji by Victoria’s Legislative Council President has heralded the next stage of the twinning partnership between the Victorian and Fiji Parliaments.

Law in the Time of Corona: Optimising Parliamentary Functions During Long-Term Crises

The Acting CPA Small Branches Chairperson explores the methods for optimising parliamentary functions without jeopardising the Executive’s capacity to respond effectively using the example of the Australian Capital Territory.

Complexity: Evolving Pandemic Meets Federation

The pandemic has thrown parliamentary powers into sharp relief, especially where powers are dispersed as in federations.

New Speaker Elected at Australian Federal Parliament

On 23 November 2021, Hon. Andrew Wallace, MP (Liberal National Party of Queensland) was elected as 33rd Speaker of the Australian House of Representatives, following the resignation earlier that day of Hon. Tony Smith, MP.

Appointment of the First Aboriginal Liaison Officer at the Parliament of New South Wales

It has been 12 months since the Parliament of New South Wales employed its first Aboriginal Liaison Officer, to ensure the Parliament is better placed to engage with Aboriginal communities across New South Wales.

CPA Small Branches and Disabilities

Both the CPA Small Branches and Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities (CPwD) networks can learn a lot from each other. In the pursuit of sustainable human development in small jurisdictions, sharing the collective experience of persons with disabilities both within and outside Parliament can be aided through the CPA and the great convening power of its networks.

New South Wales Parliament Helps Disadvantaged Communities During the Pandemic

A buzzing kitchen, delicious comfort food and a passionate, dedicated team are some of the ingredients that helped feed families in need and saved jobs during the global COVID-19 pandemic at the Parliament of New South Wales.

Reflections on Parliamentary Democracy in the Australian Parliament

As the two Presiding Officers of the Australian Federal Parliament both retire, they reflect on the challenges and privileges of their roles in Parliament.